Operational Hours - Hours may vary weekly so please check through online booking system for current availability.
Auckland Closed Weekdays until 13th August

Safety at Adrenalin Forest

How safe will I be?

Enjoy climbing amongst the trees while having the peace of mind that your safety is taken care of.

Clic-IT Safety Harness at Adrenalin Forest

Our revolutionary Clic-it system ensures a continuous connection to the safety line – this greatly redues the risk of accidental removal of both safety devices while on the course.Clici-it Safety System

We will fit your harness and give you a thorough briefing then you will test the gear in our supervised testing area until you are confident that you can go on the course and remain safe at all times.

Our staff are trained in safe retrieval and rescue procedures to be able to bring people off the course
safely from any point when they reach their limits either physically or mentally.

Adrenalin Forest undergos annual audits to maintain our Adventuremark recognised safety standards.

We visually check our course and our gear on a daily basis and carry out regular thorough inspections throughout the year.

Every year the course is inpected by a civil engineer and and a qualified arborist.

We take pride in maintaining a high standard of safety at Adrenalin Forest.

Adrenalin forest is registered with Worksafe New Zealand under the number AAO214. To see the new Adventure Activity Regulations register listings go to https://register.worksafe.govt.nz/ 


Below you can find files relating to the safety at Adrenalin Forest: